Category: Homeopathy


I am grateful for the experience of Lyme. It sounds backwards, but Lyme was the blessing that set me free. It set me free from my old ways of being, unhelpful beliefs, and limitations. I am grateful for the healing tools I learned during the healing process: a new way to use homeopathy, herbs and plants, nutrition and healing with foods, vibrational healing and subtle energy alignment, energy medicine, lightwork, prayer and meditation, mindfulness, and gratitude.

I am so grateful to be healed and I know that if it happened for me, it can happen for anyone, whatever the chronic disease name may be. Accepting life’s challenges and pain with gratitude and curiosity can allow us to open up and receive the grace of healing which I believe is truly offered to everyone who chooses to receive.

Things I learned in the school of Lyme:

1. Listen to the wisdom of the body.

2. Gifts are not always wrapped in pretty packages – sometimes the best gifts of all are in a crumpled paper bag. Gratitude for all things brings true peace and joy.

3. Letting go of the life we planned allows us to accept the better life that is waiting for us; life is a continual process of doing this over and over again. Strength is found when we EMBRACE the constant changes of life instead of pushing against them.

4. I can live without the things I always thought I could not live without – and life without them is better than life with them! True joy is found in letting go of what we think we need, so we can accept the best things.

5. Symptoms are not punishment, but doorways to truth, learning, healing and freedom.

6. God really is LOVE, really is HERE, and really does HEAL.

7. There are no limits except those we place on ourselves. Life conforms to our beliefs. If we belive we are sick and hold onto “the diagnosis” – whatever label it is – we will keep getting more of the same. If we believe we can heal, then we CAN. Healing, living, loving and the love of the Divine have no limits, none at all.

8. “We hold the past in our body – let it dissolve.” ~~ Baron Baptiste ~~ The past can dissolve when we choose love, forgiveness, gratitude, and truth. But we have to really choose it at the deepest level, really choose it in not only thought, but in the fabric that weaves through our life.

9. We are all here in the world with a Divine plan, a soul purpose.

10. I am here, and so are you, to make a difference. There is no better time than now.




“The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health; that is, the lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable, and least disadvantageous way, according to clearly realizable principles.”

— Hahnemann, from Organon of the Medical Art

Homeopathy was discovered over 200 years ago by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) however, the basis of homeopathy has been around since the ancient times. Homeopathy is popular and widely practiced all over Europe, South America, and India because it has proved to be effective throughout almost two centuries of practice. Today we are seeing a resurgence of interest in homeopathy in the U.S. as alternatives to traditional medicine gain new acceptance.

Homeopathy is a method of self-healing assisted by small doses of natural remedies and practiced by licensed physicians and other health professionals throughout the world.

Core beliefs in homeopathy:

  • The body continually tries to heal itself. Homeopathy simply assists in that process. Homeopathy works energetically, as it stimulates your body’s own vital force and re-establishes balance in the entire being.
  • Homeopathy treats the whole person and not just the symptoms of the disease.
  • Homeopathy is based on the belief that like cures like which is referred to in homeopathy as the “Law of Similars.” The Law of Similars states that the same substance that produces disease symptoms in a healthy person, when given in concentrated doses, can also cure a sick person with similar symptoms, when given in very diluted form.
  • Vital Force is the body’s guiding intelligence; the body’s “energy level.” Properly prescribed homeopathy enhances the vital force.
  • Health is a state of freedom at three levels – physical, emotional, and mental.
  • Symptoms are the outward and visible signs of the inward disturbance of the vital force which causes disease. If you remove the disturbance in vital force, the disease will go away (based on Principles and Art of Cure by Homeopathy, author H.A. Roberts).

Unlike western medicines with their many side effects, in homeopathy, less is more—the remedies are so highly diluted that the treatment yields no side effects and is safe even for babies, animals, and pregnant women. Homeopathy can treat minor or acute problems as well as chronic and long-term ailments.

For examples of how homeopathy has helped people I’ve worked with who had both chronic and acute symptoms click here.


Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. They travel in your bloodstream to tissues or organs. They affect just about everything in your body such as:

  • Growth and development
  • Metabolism – how your body gets energy from the foods you eat
  • Reproduction/Sexual function
  • Mood

Here are steps you can take to balance your hormones naturally:

1. Avoid High Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fats

Avoid vegetable oil, peanut oil, canola oil, soybean oil, margarine, shortening, or other chemically altered fats. Instead eat: coconut oil, real butter, ghee, olive oil (low temperature only or use as salad dressing) and a fish that is high in Omega-3 at least once a week.

2. Limit the Caffeine or Eliminate it from Your Diet Entirely

Cut down on the caffeine, if you can. Replace your caffeinated drink with organic herbal teas. Numi Organic’s Emperor’s Pu-Erh tea has a full-bodied taste like coffee and is delicious with cream. Caution: Pu-Erh tea contains caffeine, although not as much as other teas. However, it is full-bodied like coffee, so can be helpful when trying to break the coffee habit. Pu-erh also contains antioxidants and other substances known to protect the heart. Organic teas such as peppermint, ginger and licorice are free of caffeine and very satisfying as well.

3. Avoid Toxins

Toxins are pretty much everywhere in today’s world, but there is a lot we can do in our everyday lives to make good choices. Choose your household cleaners and personal products with care.  Hormone disrupting chemicals are found in pesticides, plastics, household chemicals, and mattresses. Birth control pills also contribute greatly to hormone imbalance in women. Make wise choices to take care of your body.

Cook in glass or enamel coated cast iron pans (avoid Teflon). As much as possible, store foods in glassware, and minimize the use of plastics. Choose organic produce and meat whenever possible. Use clean, non-toxic household cleaners, or even consider making your own (watch for a post on this topic in the near future!). Consider buying a mattress cover to keep from breathing the chemicals emitted from your mattress as this is a much less expensive option than buying an organic mattress. Another option is to buy a sleep number mattress as they are filled with air instead of chemicals.

4. Sleep

If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your hormones will not be balanced. Sleeping eight hours per night can improve hormones and is even linked to longer life, less chance of disease, and weight loss.

5. Supplement Wisely

Ideally, our diet would be balanced enough to keep our hormones at optimal levels. However, if your hormones are not in balance (with the help of a healthcare professional) you can consider trying:

  • Maca– A tuber in the radish family that is said to boost hormone production and libido. Many women notice less PMS, increased fertility, and improved skin. Men often notice increased sperm production, libido, and better sleep when taking Maca. Maca is also high in minerals and essential fatty acids, making it great for hormones.
  • Magnesium– Magnesium supports hundreds of reactions in the body and often contributes to better sleep (good for hormone balance).
  • Vitamin D– A pre-hormone is supportive of hormone function. It is best obtained from the sun. But if that is not possible, consider a D3 supplement or Fermented Cod Liver Oil. It is also possible now to procure UVB-based Vitamin D-enhancing light systems. If you have an interest in supplementing with Vitamin D, first take the time to get your blood tested to find out your current level. Taking too much Vitamin D can be toxic. There is research by the Autoimmunity Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization, indicating that excess vitamin D may actually have an immunosuppressive effect and can possibly interfere with healthy immune function and recovery.
  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil– Provides many of the necessary building blocks for hormone production including Vitamins A, D, and K. It also is a great source of Omega-3s and beneficial fats.

6. Consider Homeopathy

When toxins are removed and organs and glands are supported, the body can often rebalance its hormones effectively. Sequential homeopathy provides an effective and simple way to gently detoxify the energetic residue and toxic effects of birth control pills and other toxic exposures that contribute to hormone imbalance. Sarcodes, or remedies made from healthy glandular or tissue extract, can also be helpful to rebalance hormones and bring them their optimal vibration.

7. Exercise Lightly

If you have hormone imbalance, intense extended exercise can actually make the problem worse in the short-term. Try to walk for at least a half hour a day or do another light form of exercise like yoga or Pilates. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week.

8. Eat Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is extremely beneficial for hormone health. It provides the necessary building blocks for hormone production, can assist weight loss, reduce inflammation, and even has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Try to consume 1/4 cup of coconut oil a day.

9. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Incorporate more fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, plus raw nuts and seeds (soaked and sprouted whenever possible) into your diet. Foods such as processed carbohydrates, fried foods, soft drinks, enriched flour, processed vegetable oil and soy products may alter hormone balance. Avoid non-organic dairy products which may contain harmful bovine growth hormones, steroids and antibiotics.

10. Take Care of Your Soul

Remember to make time for yourself at least once a day. Find small ways to incorporate rest and relaxation throughout the day. Be present. Breathe. Smile and laugh. Consider learning some form of yoga or meditation. Trauma and trapped emotions can contribute to any physical symptom pattern in the body, and hormone imbalance is no exception. Symptoms are only a message from the body. When we understand the message, the symptoms can go. Energy healing sessions can bring healing to the root cause, allowing for trauma (and symptom) release.

Please stay tuned for future posts where I will discuss natural ways to support your adrenal gland (your ability to deal with stress), thyroid gland (your metabolism), and pancreas (blood sugar/maintain healthy insulin levels).





This is part two of my post about miasms, or the inherited root causes of disease. For part 1 click here.

Below are the symptom manifestations typically seen with the five major miasms.


Keynotes of Psora: Skin eruptions, itching, fears about poverty and survival, pessimism.

  • When there is a Psoric miasm influence, it is common to experience worsening of skin symptoms – with skin eruptions that are itchy and scaly.
  • There is often mental restlessness and there can be a tendency to overeat due to stress, worry and anxiety.
  • Body odor indicates toxicity within the body’s inner terrain.
  • Problems with the digestive processes of assimilation and elimination are common in Psora.
  • Psora types often experience joint inflammation and arthritic conditions, hay fever, allergies, sinus infections and asthma.
  • Person will often be fearful and anxious with worries about money, abandonment, business failure, and survival. There is the feeling that there will not be enough – even when there actually is.
  • Experience chronic over-stimulation of the fight or flight mechanism.
  • There may be issues with temperature regulation (either too hot or too cold) and climate adaption.
  • They may have an empty, weak, hungry feeling around 11am and often struggle with blood sugar regulation.
  • The Psoric person feels worse in cold or open air and feels better from warmth of any type.

Common symptoms: Acne, allergy, anxiety, Asthma, skin boils, bronchitis, eczema, dermatitis, insomnia, psoriasis, scabies, sciatica, skin ulcers and upper respiratory infections.


Keynotes of the tubercular miasm are coughs, breathing issues and lung problems, respiratory system imbalances, frequent colds and sensitivity to the cold.

  • The most favorable place for the tubercular person is said to be up in the mountains and in fresh air.
  • Often have problems with breathing or constriction around the throat.
  • Weakness in the thyroid gland.
  • Often struggle with self-expression in some way.
  • Often frail and sensitive to the heat, but also easily chilled.
  • They are sensitive to weather changes, environmental toxins, atmospheric and barometric pressure changes.
  • Children with this miasm may have prolonged bedwetting, frequent nightmares, temper tantrums, and often have an aversion to milk.
  • They also tend to be susceptible to ringworm, acne, and white spots on the nails.
  • Experience loss of appetite.
  • Tendency to have parasites and allergies.
  • Have a fear of dogs.
  • They are prone to exhaustion if stressed and may feel as if they never have enough rest.
  • Desire to travel (or if travel is not possible, the desire to change clothing often and move the furniture frequently).
  • The tubercular person is better with the sun and warmth.
  • The Tubercular type has a sense that things could be changed or improved, or that there is something missing.
  • There is a strong drive for freedom and a resistance to any kind of restriction.
  • Driven to re-discover and connect with the Divine.

Common symptoms: Allergy, asthma, astigmatism, autism, bronchitis, teeth grinding, croup, compulsive disorders, bed wetting, lymphoma, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ringworm, upper respiratory infections.


Keynotes of the Sycotic miasm are warts, skin tags, discharges, mucus, tumors (not cancerous), inflammation, blood disorders, emotional cruelty, suspicion, and love of power.

  • Sycotic people tend to be extremists.
  • There is too much of everything being produced in the body – too many warts, too much mucous, tumors and growths.
  • There is also a tendency to urinary and hormonal issues as well as sexual problems. Often early sexual trauma can activate a sycotic miasm.
  • Individuals who have a Sycotic miasm are susceptible to the shock of surgical removal of skin eruptions such as warts, cysts, moles – which can lead to the activation of the latent miasm.
  • Swelling in the joints and connective tissues as well as arthritis and rheumatism are common.
  • Tend to have thick, coarse hair and ridged or thick nails.
  • This miasm is believed to be responsible when there is a sudden onset of any severe disease.
  • Areas of vulnerability with this miasm include: reproductive/urinary organs, mucous membranes, connective tissue, and issues with healthy boundaries between self and the rest of the universe.
  • There is a tendency to form kidney or gall stones, swellings or deposits in the joints.
  • There are issues with fluid accumulation and sinus congestion.
  • Emotional symptoms can include: suspiciousness, secretiveness, forgetfulness, and a tendency toward being a workaholic.
  • The sycotic person’s conditions are always worse in cold, damp weather; better with activity and at the seaside.

Common symptoms: Allergy, asthma, herpes, hypertension, interstitial cystitis, migraines, sinusitis, warts.


The cancer miasm is an equally divided combination of the original three miasms of Hahnemann: Psoric, Sycotic and Syphilitic.

Keynotes of the Cancer miasm are emotional sensitivity and/or repression of emotions like anger, fear, and aggression.

  • Susceptible to pneumonia, chemical toxicity or multiple allergy syndrome, overexposure to chemicals, and situations where the immune system seems to go into overdrive, reacting to everything.
  • This miasm is also commonly seen when there are reactions to vaccinations and allopathic drug use.
  • There can be perfectionist tendencies, depression, and even apathy.
  • A person with this miasm activated will have the tendency to be over-reactive to many things without the ability to determine what is healthy and what is not.
  • There is often a history of repeated and severe childhood illnesses and infections, sensitive gums and teeth, growth disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, and autism spectrum disorders.
  • This miasm if likely activated when there are significant challenges with relationships between human beings, specifically with our individual, one-to-one relationships.
  • The greatest challenge with this miasm is the ability to stay open emotionally and yet feel protected and safe at the same time.
  • The cancer miasm has a tendency to be too accommodating and agreeable, to one’s own peril – often known as the “doormat syndrome.” When the true self is continually suppressed to the needs or wants of others, this miasm is awakened.
  • Deep sadness, grief, guilt or anger is also seen with this miasm.
  • The tendency to be over concerned with others or to go along with others so as not to upset anyone seems to be deeply ingrained in this person.
  • This miasm is usually suspected in those with a family history of cancer or diabetes.
  • Working with this miasm will help to improve one’s ability to grow in relationships, will strengthen and balance the immune system and the spleen in particular.

Common symptoms: Chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis, constipation, diabetes, immune system weakness, insomnia, ovarian cyst, PMS, tics, developmental delays, vaccine reactions.


Syphilitic miasm is easier to understand and remember if we think of it as the opposite of the Sycotic miasm. The Sycotic miasm is about over-expansion, over-production, growth … the Syphilitic miasm represents breakdown, destruction and contraction – it is called the miasm of destruction.

  • From a consciousness perspective, this miasm teaches us not to get too attached to things that we’ve created or accumulated, because everything in nature is transient and changes form eventually.
  • There are often issues with the eyes including cataracts and blindness, skin diseases that become infected, ulcerated sore throats, ulcers of the ear, nose, urinary system and mouth and heart conditions.
  • There is often a history of miscarriage, stillborn pregnancies, and sterility.
  • The Syphilitic miasm is also marked with addictions due to lack of self-worth and self-destructive behaviors such as alcoholism.
  • Most of the pains or aggravations occur during the winter months or at night.
  • With this miasm, we often see the deepest depths of depression and despair.
  • Common emotions can be jealousy, envy, explosive anger and a pessimistic view of life.
  • Diseases of aging that destroy function and memory such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases are part of the Syphyilitic miasm.
  • A theme of this miasm is learning to let go.
  • The miasm may be triggered by severe loss – job loss, relationship loss, the loss of identity.
  • An emotional keynote of this miasm is the feeling that he/she is on the verge of losing control, when emotions are overwhelming and intense.
  • The Syphilitic miasm is associated with feelings of being stuck and fears of moving forward.

Common symptoms: bone pains, skin ulcerations, distortions of anatomy (like cleft palates, strabismus), neuralgia, anorexia, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, scoliosis, growing pains.

Stay tuned for part 3 of my series on miasms. In part 3, I will discuss nosodes to treat the five major miasms.






The concept and theory of miasms originated in the field of homeopathy almost 200 years ago. German physician Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, introduced the term miasm in his book, The Chronic Diseases, published in 1828. His miasm theory was the result of 12 years of painstaking work on the most difficult chronic cases in his clinical practice, in addition to his own historical research into the diseases of man.

As are most new and ground-breaking ideas, the introduction of his miasm theory was met with much skepticism. However, over the years the theory has been studied and embraced by healers around the world.

What is a miasm?

  • A miasm is an inherited weakness or an underlying predisposition to chronic illness. In other words, it is a generational susceptibility to an ongoing pattern of disease.
  • Miasms are specific energy frequencies that affect the entire person – they affect body systems, emotions, chakras, cells and cell surface receptors.
  • A miasm can be thought of as a vibrational field or frequency that underlies – or gives energy to — disease patterns in a person’s life.
  • These underlying energy frequencies perpetuate a pattern of illness (which could be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual) even after all known measures have been taken to correct the individual’s health issues.

Who has miasms?

Miasms apply to everyone – we all carry miasms in a dormant or latent state. They can be activated or awakened in a person’s life through various circumstances such as:

  • stress
  • physical or emotional trauma
  • acute illness

How do people acquire miasms in the first place?

Hahnemann believed that miasms were driven into the DNA (or genetically imprinted) as a result of many of the suppressive therapies commonly used in his day. Hahnemann explained that suppressive therapies drive the disease deeper into the system, allowing for a more chronic condition to be created and exacerbated. Examples of suppressive therapies used today are:

  • Prescription drugs (antivirals, etc.)
  • Antibiotics
  • Steroid creams/shots

To understand this better lets look at a concrete example. Steroid creams are commonly used today to treat skin eruptions such as eczema, poison ivy, or other forms of allergic skin reactions or rashes. However, the nature of steroids is simply to short-circuit the immune response. The root issue – whatever is causing the rash (such as a virus, an allergen, or bacteria for example) – is not eliminated from the body or cured by the steroid. Instead, the body’s reaction to it is suppressed, or turned off.

A healthy body will try to expel a virus through the skin – the skin is a direct exit route on the surface of the body. But when steroids are used, the cause of the skin issue is suppressed and driven deeper into the system. The skin is our largest detoxification organ and will help bear the load of the liver and kidneys when they are over-burdened. However, if a virus for example, is attempting to exit through the skin, what do you think will happen when its exit path is shut down? If the cause (the virus for example) is unable to move upward through the skin, it will have to find a new place to rest in the body.

You see, the skin would be the best way out of the body, but if its pathway is blocked, the virus has to go somewhere else. The virus has no other choice but to go deeper into the system.

One common pattern seen when skin eruptions are suppressed over time is lung congestion. In medical literature, there is a link seen between suppressed eczema and lung problems such as croup, asthma symptoms, and so forth. The point here is that when disease is suppressed, deeper issues are created, and miasms can be activated or created as well.

How many miasms are there?

There are five primary miasms and several secondary miasms. The five primary miasms are:

  • Psoric
  • Sycotic
  • Syphilitic
  • Tubercular
  • Cancer

Miasms explained – Part 2

In part two of this post, I will give an overview of what the five primary miasms are, their symptoms, and how treating them can improve your health and get to the root cause of chronic disease.




More people than ever are seeking natural health remedies that are safe and effective. The truth is that all living organisms are created with the innate ability to heal. When you cut your finger, you do not have to tell your body what to do. Healing begins on its own and your body orchestrates the process without any outside guidance. This is true for all organs and tissues.

Modern life, however, has created challenges that are staggering and quite difficult for the body to overcome on its own. Environmental toxins, pesticides, over-medication (such as over-use of antibiotics), the SAD (Standard American Diet and the unhealthy propagandized Food Pyramid, food additives and genetically modified foods (GMOs) are only just a few. However, there are answers to overcome the madness.

With the correct nutrition, information and tools, natural healing is achievable. Natural healing that is deep and permanent takes time and effort, but there is great reward when we take responsibility for our own health, respect our body’s innate healing abilitites, and provide for ourselves the tools and energy needed to heal.

If you are seeking true health and natural ways to support your body and mind on your healing journey, you have come to the right place. This blog is a work in progress, so look forward to many additions and much new information in upcoming weeks and months. My goal here is to inspire, educate and assist you on your path of healing.

The mainstream medical approach focuses on suppressing symptoms instead of allowing the body to rebalance and heal. If you have regular migraines and can’t function without that prescription drug you take for them, you might be thinking, “What’s so wrong with suppressing those symptoms?”

Well, here’s the deal. By continually suppressing symptoms without looking for and removing the underlying cause it becomes easy to ignore the real problem. The migraine symptoms are simply the alarm your body is using to get your attention. If that alarm is silenced, the underlying cause (diet, toxin load, nutritional deficiencies, gut dysfunction and dysbiosis … or whatever the cause may be) is allowed to fester and even grow stronger eventually bringing more harm in the longrun than the original migraine symptoms ever could.

Additionally, we are all becoming more and more aware of adverse drug reactions and side effects. Often with prescription medication we trade in one problem for 2 or 3 new ones, all the while putting an extra heavy burden on our liver to process these chemical compounds that are synthetic and foreign to our body.

There are many ways to help your body achieve true healing. As you explore this blog, my hope is that you will find a few ideas that will work for you right now and move you forward in your health journey.

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