Your state of health today is a result of the accumulation of all your life experiences. What if, underneath the symptoms and the “diagnosis”, you are stronger and healthier than you think you are?

Homeopathy is a form of natural medicine that supports each person holistically – body, mind and spirit. Modern life is packed with unexpected accidents, traumas, busy-ness, physical and emotional stresses, expectations, obligations, projections. Even for the most effective and together person, as the years pile on, life events and our perceptions of them can take a toll on our body, as well as our mind and heart.

As soon as we are born – and oftentimes when we are still in the womb – the events of life start to pile up on top of us! Life is chock full of events and experiences from the minute we start breathing. Each life has its share of challenging experiences — unforeseen accidents and injuries, medical procedures, chemical medications, environmental toxins (such as metals, radiation, toxic foods, etc.) as well as emotional losses, traumas, and stresses — just to name a few.

I believe that the soul inside–the real you–is healthy and strong. My mission is to help you remember how healthy you are. You are here for a purpose and to experience goodness, joy, love, connection, fulfillment.

All the stuff of life just starts to pile up. Before we even realize it, we’re carrying a load, like a heavy suitcase that we’re unconsciously dragging through life. It’s no wonder our bodies start to give out. Even though we might not be keeping track of all these details, they are stored in our bodies Cell Memory Intelligence. The secret to your healing is truly inside your cells. It’s a matter of unlayering the burdens, unpacking the load gently and in a way that is manageable and best for each individual. When all those layers can be unfurled, you can be reacquainted with yourself and the healthy person you were meant to be.

Deep Healing Homeopathy offers a way to unwind, unlayer, unburden yourself – body, mind and spirit. It is a process that can bring you back to the person you were meant to be, the stronger, healthier version life intended, the real you that you – and the world – deserve. Homeopathic treatment is designed to support the innate healing energy response of the individual – the vital force or chi. As the burdens of life are unfurled, that energy can strengthen and be available for deep healing, balance and greater health.

With Deep Healing Homeopathy, we use a Timeline as a tool for healing. A timeline is a history of the individual’s life in sequential order, or age from present to pre-birth (gestation/parent’s history). A timeline includes physical traumas, toxin and drug exposures, emotional/mental traumas and surgeries/dental procedures to name a few. By systematically clearing past and current events in a particular way with homeopathic combinations, we can rewind, unlayer, unburden, and revitatalize the body and bring peace to the heart and mind.

Homeopathy is a safe and gentle system of healing which empowers the individual’s innate body wisdom and vital energy to rebalance itself and rebuild its inner fortitude. This unlayering or unburdening process allows for shifts in physical/mental/emotional energy, and directly supports the mind-body connection. It brings a person more in touch with their intuition and empowers them to move forward in life with greater health and awareness, and to live in their full potential.

Here is an example of what the first appointment will include:

Appointment One – 1 1/2 to 2 hours: Timeline review, thorough interview of symptoms and current life situation. I create a blueprint or plan with recommendations of how to move forward. Your first set of homeopathic clearing remedies will be created and sent to you along with a small number of support remedies to be used daily, if indicated.

Life’s challenges can be extremely painful and confusing at times, but there is freedom when we can see the opportunities that lie within the challenges. You truly are stronger and healthier than life may have led you to belief. Give yourself a chance, let go of the limiting beliefs we’ve been fed by the old-age medical mindset. Your body has it’s own innate healing magic. Sequential homeopathy can help let it out!