Organic Sulfur 832-764-2964

Helps Regenerate Cells

Adding organic sulfur to your daily routine may be one of the most important health decisions you ever make. Organic sulfur is a food the body requires daily to achieve and maintain optimal health.

In 1954, organic sulfur was essentially eliminated from our food supply with the mandated use of chemical fertilizers in our agribusiness food processes. What’s essential to understand is that since that time, the rate of disease in the U.S. has risen by 4000 percent. Many believe it’s due to the lack of this nutrient in the diet. That’s because sulfur is essential for healthy detoxification and cellular regeneration.

It may sound like something that’s hard to link together. However, if you look at what happened in Finland, the connection is clear. Finland began using chemical fertilizers around the same time. Officials in Finland noticed the increase of disease sooner and reversed its course and banned all use of chemical-based fertilizers. As a result, it has a disease rate only 10 percent of the previous level and still dropping.

It is our belief that the lack of sulfur in our modern diets has negatively impacted our body’s ability to detoxify and regenerate cells in a healthy, efficient manner.

Benefits of Organic Sulfur

Organic sulfur appears to have a positive impact on cellular metabolism and efficiency. Additionally, sulfur facilitates the transport of oxygen across cell membranes, and oxygen is vital for healthy cellular regeneration. Although sulfur is not a true catalyst, it enables oxygenation through protein production.

Without a constant supply of sulfur (it is not stored by the body, but is passed every 10-12 hours) we are, in effect, dying each day of cellular degeneration. In other words, absent intracellular regeneration, we begin to degenerate long before our biological clock runs out. We are also much more susceptible to damage of toxins and environmental pollutants that seem to be everywhere we turn in this modern world.

Organic sulfur assists the body in the following ways:

  • Enables efficient detoxification of heavy metals and other environmental toxins
  • Improves oxygen levels in all the cells
  • Improves and encourages healthy cell regeneration
  • Improves the utilization of amino acids in the body

Since 1999, ongoing studies have been conducted, taking feedback from organic sulfur consumers over extensive periods of time. Study participants have reported amazing benefits with the consistent use of organic sulfur. Here are a few:

  • Arthritis: Participants report much less pain and increased mobility, straightening of finger joints, resolution of internal scars tissue around joints.
  • Skin conditions: Reports of improved acne, psoriasis, rosacea, toenail fungus, burns, liver spots, and disorders associated with Lupus.
  • Diabetes: Sulfur deficiency interferes with glucose metabolism; organic sulfur is helpful because it is necessary in the production of insulin and other sulfur-based amino acids needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates.
  • ADD, ADHD, Hyperactivity, and depression are greatly relieved since organic sulfur acts as a mood elevator or stabilizer and helps the nervous system relax.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: Reports of decreased and/or eliminated symptoms of acid indigestion, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, and chronic constipation.
  • Cardiovascular: Participants have reported reduction of scar tissue, healing of high blood pressure, and the breakdown of calcium plaque in arteries.
  • Respiratory: Participants report resolution of lung symptoms such as allergies, asthma and emphysema.
  • Glaucoma: Participants report relief of intraocular pressure and cellular regeneration of the “drainage” system at the inner base of the iris.
  • Liver regeneration occurs: one participant who had suffered with Hepatitis C for 25 years reported complete liver regeneration from taking 2 tablespoons organic sulfur twice daily for 15 months.
  • Hair: Participants have reported a return from gray/white hair to their natural color; others have reported a reversal of hair loss.
  • Teeth and gums: Participants report renewed health in teeth and gums. When used as an additive to toothpaste, Organic Sulfur appears to eliminate plaque build-up on teeth, regenerate gums and tighten loose teeth.
  • Headaches and migraines have been alleviated over time.
  • Osteoporosis has been reported to respond well to the ongoing use of organic sulfur.

What Does Sulfur Do? With an adequate supply of Organic Bio-Available Sulfur, the body is set on a path of healing. Organic sulfur:

  • Jumpstarts the body’s detoxification (methylation) process
  • Enables cellular regeneration and healing–even after years of being scarred or damaged
  • Improves cell membrane integrity, allowing cells to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins such as heavy metals
  • Assists the body’s ability to rebalance and eliminate unhealthy pathogens (such as fungus and virus) since they cannot thrive in a high oxygen environment
  • Is essential for the body’s production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, GABA, melatonin, dopamine, etc.
  • Is essential for the body’s production of glutathione, methionine, cysteine, taurine, etc.
  • Plays an important role in protecting the body from oxidative damage and radiation damage due to sun exposure and radiation treatments for cancer
  • Has the potential to help prevent and even assist in reversing neurological injuries such as Alzheimer’s

What is Organic Sulfur? Our Organic Sulfur is a white flake, precipitated from DMSO with no fillers preservatives or anti-caking additives. The ongoing Organic Sulfur study which began in 1999 has demonstrated that the variety of fillers found in the other retail MSM products have resulted in significantly decreased healing effects. MSM was originally used in the study which yielded modest gastrointestinal gains. The additives found in the retail MSM products (flow agents) contaminate our bodies; block the body’s use of sulfur and denigrate the effectiveness of MSM.

Silica which is also added to MSM products has been reported to block the body’s energy and makes the sulfur less efficient. Since the inception of the study, it has been estimated that sulfur products containing silica are from 50-70% less effective. Silica basically blocks the sulfur from doing its job.

The purity of the sulfur is a big factor. The Organic Sulfur Study is based on sulfur that is not processed and is 100% biologically available to the body. Our Sulfur is the 99.4%-99.6% pure range and is offered in its naturally occurring large flake form.

Also as important, our Organic Sulfur must be ingested with non-chlorine water. Chlorinated water will render the sulfur significantly less effective.

It is our opinion that everyone can greatly benefit from incorporating organic sulfur into their diet.